How to Incorporate Swim Spa Training into Your Fitness Routine

woman doing swim spa training with rowing bars and warm water

Staying fit and healthy is essential for leading a happy and fulfilling life. Regular exercise offers numerous benefits, including improved cardiovascular health, increased flexibility, and enhanced mental well-being. 

However, not everyone can participate in high-impact exercises due to various issues like joint pain, arthritis, or injury. This is where a swim spa comes to the rescue, providing a perfect solution for low-impact exercise. Discover how to incorporate swim spa training into your fitness routine, focusing on three key aspects to get you started: resistance swimming, water aerobics, and rowing.

Why Low-Impact Exercise Matters

Before we delve into the different swim spa training techniques, it’s essential to understand why low-impact exercise is so important. Low-impact exercises are activities that put minimal stress on your joints and muscles while still providing an effective workout. This is especially beneficial for individuals who might struggle with high-impact workouts or those recovering from injuries.

Low-impact exercise offers the following advantages.

Joint Friendly

Unlike high-impact exercises that can strain joints, low-impact workouts are gentler on the body, reducing the risk of joint pain and injury.


Since low-impact exercises are easier on the body, they can be performed more frequently and for more extended periods, helping to maintain a consistent fitness routine.


Low-impact exercise encompasses a wide range of activities suitable for people of all fitness levels, making it accessible to a broader audience.

Cardiovascular Benefits

Despite being low impact, these exercises can still improve cardiovascular health, boost circulation, and enhance lung capacity.

Now, let’s explore how to incorporate swim spa training to experience the benefits of low-impact exercises.

1. Resistance Swimming

Swim spas are well-known for their endless pool feature, which allows you to swim in place against a continuous current. This creates natural resistance, making it an excellent option for building strength and endurance. Here’s how you can utilize resistance swimming in your swim spa training.

Warm Up

Begin with a few minutes of gentle swimming to warm up your muscles and prepare your body for the workout ahead.

Interval Training

Swim at a moderate pace against the current for a set distance or time, followed by a short rest period. Repeat this process for several rounds to elevate your heart rate and improve cardiovascular fitness.

Strength Training

Incorporate various strokes like freestyle, backstroke, and breaststroke to target different muscle groups. The resistance provided by the water will help you build lean muscle and tone your body.

2. Water Aerobics

Water aerobics is a fantastic way to get a full-body workout without putting stress on your joints. The buoyancy of water reduces the impact on your muscles and bones, making it an ideal exercise for individuals with arthritis or joint issues. Here’s how to get started with water aerobics in your swim spa:

Leg Lifts

Stand in the swim spa with water at waist level. Hold onto the edge for support and lift one leg at a time to the side. Alternate between legs to work on your outer thighs.

Arm Circles

Stand with water at chest level and extend your arms to the sides. Make small circles with your arms, gradually increasing the size of the circles.

Water Jogging

In the shallow end of the swim spa, perform a jogging motion while focusing on lifting your knees high.

3. Rowing

Most modern swim spas come equipped with rowing machines, which offer an excellent low-impact workout for both the upper and lower body. Rowing is a fantastic way to improve cardiovascular fitness, strength, and posture. Here’s how to incorporate rowing into your swim spa routine.

Warm Up

Start with a few minutes of rowing at a slow and steady pace to warm up your muscles.

Rowing Intervals

Row at a fast pace for 30 seconds to one minute, followed by a slower pace for 30 seconds to one minute for recovery. Repeat this pattern for several rounds.

Full-Body Engagement

Focus on using proper rowing techniques to engage your legs, core, and arms effectively.

Incorporate Swim Spa Training into Your Fitness Routine

Swim spa training offers a wide range of low-impact exercises that are enjoyable and beneficial for your overall fitness. Resistance swimming, water aerobics, and rowing techniques provide excellent cardiovascular and strength-building benefits without putting stress on your joints. 

So, if you’re looking to maintain or improve your fitness level while being kind to your body, consider incorporating swim spa training into your exercise routine. Stop by Colorado Custom Spa today to view our selection of swim spas, and follow us on Facebook and Instagram for more ideas on how to use your swim spa.

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